Shop on line Cantina Pisoni


Welcome to the Pisoni winery in Pergolese: a winery that produces the wines of Trentino in the Valle dei Laghi

Azienda Agricola Pisoni in Pergolese, a winery that produces the wines of Trentino and a family-run farm, is located along the Strada del Vino e dei Sapori del Trentino (The Road of Wine and Flavours of Trentino), which extends from Lake Garda to the Brenta Dolomites among the olive groves of the Garda area and the beautiful landscape of the Dolomites.

The best grapes grow on the estates surrounding stretches of water such as Lake Toblino, Lake Santa Massenza and Lake Cavedine. They are used to produce the elegant full-bodied red wines of Trentino and the smooth fruity white wines of the mountains, which can be tasted on guided tours of the winery.

Cantina Pisoni-1120